It's been a year since the last update but at last we have some good news - the bye-laws have been passed and are now in place. If you would like to read them, they are here:
Nutfield Marsh ByeLaws.pdf
As reported in the October 2013 Link, the Parish Council are currently in the process of drawing up new bye-laws that will among other things forbid the grazing of animals on the land. Unfortunately this process will take time so the Council have asked that we make available the letters that have been written to the Police Commissioner for Surrey in an attempt to get him to come good on his election promises to stamp out anti-social behaviour. You can make you own mind up about his commitment to this by the responses reproduced below.
The first letter is from the Parish Council to Kevin Hurley, Police & Crime Commissioner for Surrey, written on 5th July 2013:
Letter to Police & Crime Commissioner 5Jul2013
Acknowledgment from PCC of receipt of above letter, dated 13th July 2013:
Acknowledgement letter
Email response from PCC on 9th August 2013:
Email response
Parish Councils response to email on 15th August 2013:
Parish Council response
No further response received thus far.
BBC Surrey picked up on the story when it was featured in the Surrey Mirror and ran a feature on their news bulletins throughout 19th September 2013. You can listen to the piece here: Surrey Radio News item